5 Anti-Aging habits That All Men Should Have
What’s up Vengers? Look, if you are in your 20s or rolling in your early 30s you want to read and implement these suggestions I have for you today before it’s too late. If you want to reduce your signs of aging, these 5 Anti-Aging Habits are a must to implement. Trust me, you will take me later! Let us get into this.
Use Sunscreen
We all know the importance of sunscreen because our mom kept reminding us every time we decide to go out to play with our friends on a hot summer day… Okay, yes I am talking about me. Nonetheless, studies have shown that direct radiation from the sun is responsible for well over 80% of facial aging signs. Now imagine if you wore sunscreen how well you would be preventing aging and maintaining skin texture to help fight those annoying pimples and fine lines. Starting today, make it a part of your grooming routine while ensuring that your skin keeps looking perfect and well into your 30s and 40s.
Control your Grey Hair
A lot of us start to see 1 or 2 grey hairs appearing in our early 20s to 30s and guess what? that’s normal! it happens, man! get over it. The real problem is that most guys don’t try to take action at that point. The darker and richer your hair looks the younger you are going to be perceived. However, if you tackle those greys early, it looks like you are not even aging at this point. You basically become captain America but for Canada so, captain Canada. Meh, I’ll get back to that one.
Don’t shy away from those hair dyes. Try out Just For Men, it is awesome! It is what I use and it works wonders.. for 6-8 weeks but that is industry standard. Guys, get into the habit of adding this to your grooming routine and I promise you, in just 5 mins every 2 months and you are well on your way to becoming Captain C. Yep, I like that one best.
Control your Body Hair
‘Body hair don’t care…. nope! We are vengers! we care. It’s no surprise that as you age you start growing more hair, especially on your chest, your facial region, and your pubic area. These are things your dad never stopped and told you how to really maintain. It’s part of your hygienic process and you should never let it run its course. If this happens, you are increasing the chances of sweating more, smelling more, creating more BO (Body Odor), and more importantly, it makes you look older.
When you learn how to maintain your body hair, you are going to reduce some of the signs of aging, while being hygienic, and not to mention, you are going to look shredded dude! serious! It is unbelievable how well this works and we are here for it.
Fight your Hair loss

I don’t know about you but this is one of my biggest fears! Almost every guy is scared of hair loss and starts dealing with hair loss in their mid-20s. Within 2 or 3 guys will experience hair loss by the time they hit 30 years old. Almost all these aging tips that I am providing are stuff you need to start doing today because you are going to see some of the signs.Most men will see the signs and ignore them because they are simply not drastic enough, but then slowly, gradually, as time goes on, you’re 30-35, and just like that my friend, you have a receding hairline that you can not hide.
Would you rather get a hair transplant *Coughs Tory Lanes Coughs*? When you see those early signs of hair loss or everybody in my family is losing their hair, that’s when you take action. Look at resources and at things you can start applying to make sure you can stop or reduce any hair loss.
Use Moisturizer
Now, boys, this one is super crucial. I don’t just want you to use this on your face. A big mistake a lot of men make is to only use a moisturizer on their face and leave everywhere dry and aging. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to keep your face hydrated so your skin looks smooth, with no cracks, fine lines, or wrinkles. However, when you only apply it to your face, other areas of your body start showing signs of aging before your face.
As soon as you step out of the shower; when your skin is dewy, nice, and hydrated when applying body lotion comes into play friends. Applying the body lotion and the face moisturizer every single day, I promise my brothers, your skin, down the road is going to be flawless!
That’s it for me today Vengers!
I hope you find these 5 anti-aging habits super helpful and I’ll see you next week for more amazing content. Feel free to check out our other content in the process!